Size: 110 x 160 cm
Medium: mixed media onprimd linen
This painting is full of light because it reveals lots of white strips of primed linen underneath the layers of colour and line. Watercolour painting employs the same technique – using the white of the paper and building up layers of transparent colour. Masking tape has been used extensively throughout these beach works and each piece of tape has been individually cut in order to create a unique stencilled effect. Soft edges of transparent acrylic colour wrap around the sharp contrasting edges of stencilled shapes. Form and shape merge and blend. Emotive, scribbly line and layered splashes of colour have been inspired by the abstracted work of Cy Twoombly. The ocean edge is created by mixing permanent acrylic transparent inks and controlling the flow over the linen as it dries. The composition is broken up into irregular strips of pattern to give structure to an otherwise random configuration of objects.